I loathe children. A few days back on Halloween, I found them much less terrifying, when they were dressed as scary monsters, than at other times, when they are dressed as themselves. The only explanation I had is, I was able to associate them to their costumes and this probably gave me some comfort. It’s a typical response I think, it is all about appearances and our mental associations!
- For most part children are an abstract solution to fill a emotional void, or simply accidents or even worst a status in the all important socialite existence
- Children are a huge drain on the resources - time and money. Not that a sexy lady is not!
- I am jealous of the innocence in a child. This is probably because I feel my innocence was lost quite early in life
- I feel deprived of the freedom they have to do whatever they feel like. The whole infinite set of option in life is still wide open for them
- I consider them wailing, screaming, pissing, feces spewing pet humans. A pet dog is better than a child is, dogs can be trained faster than a kid!
- Child brings a huge load on the relationship between the mother and the father
- The mother and father are severely restricted by the child, they in all probability stop concentrating on their individual hobbies, interests and activities they were doing together before the child was part of the picture
- They squeal a lot, and cry a lot which is a pain on my ears. Have you ever been disturbed by a wailing child while watching a movie very intently? Alternatively, have you ever traveled in a flight with a baby in the next seat?
- In past, having children made practical/economical sense. More babies meant more hands on the farm, more scouts to explore the land beyond. In current times, atleast in my country there is shortage of almost every resource ever needed by man. It is very clear having children is a direct act of social, economic and environmental terrorism
The above points may seem trivial to most immature people. It is not an exhaustive list of reasons thou. I keep finding new and innovative reasons for doing it. I have conveyed and mutually agreed to keep a child out of the relation I have with my girl. I do have my own doubts as to how long she will stick to that understanding. I believe it is just a matter of time before we both have standoffs on this topic. When that happens I am pretty sure I will go nuts!!! Just imagine a child in the house with a child hater like me around. There are endless possibilities on what could happen to me or to the child as well.
I feel I have Pedophobia - fear or dislike of children. I did not know the word existed until I wrote this post. I feel the suffix -phobia relates more to fear than hate, the prefix –‘miso’ directly relates to hate. The dictionaries give us misogyny" (hatred of women) – which I am definitely not and "misogamy" (hatred of marriage) – which I was once. On this model, we have misopedy (hatred of children) – this I feel I am.
Most people think it’s their primary right or obligation to produce the worst virus ever let lose on this planet; Children. Not only does this particular organism grows and uses more and more resources, but it feels the constant need to come in contact with more organisms, procreate more exponentially. In spite of all the myriad ways we humans have invented to cure the earth of ourselves the rate at which the virus is coming to life the future looks bleak.
So conclusion is I have ‘Misopedy’ and to a certain extent ‘Pedophobia’. I am healthy and I definitely do not want to be infected with the virus - child.
Virus Children misogyny Pedophobia misogamy misopedy